Friday, May 25, 2012

Pangaean Solar Event

Pangaean Solar Event
Ever wonder why we have continents, weather and seismics. The ancient legend involving paradise lost and an original Earth can be described as The Pangaean Solar Event. Some people say they can actually observe this phenomenon using astronomy and Earth bathymetry, as does this author. Universally, the cosmos was primarily viewed by "angels" looking down toward the south from the north, as depicted herein, from The Throne Room of the Creator God. The Pangaean Solar Event destroyed the planet known as the planet of light, Luxfero, scattering its pieces all over our star system, splashing the other planets and their moons with bits and pieces of Lucifer's planet along with other stellar debris. The worst hit was found in Earth's great crater of China; heaping up the Himalayas, dividing continents, forming volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis; creating its own lightning, thunder and rains bringing floods. There are other craters near San Simon, and the Petrified Forest near Flags! taff and Holbrook, in Arizona USA, and countless others around the world. There is no planet located within the asteroid field that can barely orbit the sun in that location of our star system, today. It is known as the Stoney Path of Fallen Stars in some of the old tales, as we refer to it in our story, "Wheels of the Chaldean Vedas." Our legend takes root from the Bible story about Earth Creation and the garden of Eden, which says that the Archangel Lucifer was defrocked and blasted into the depths ...