Monday, April 16, 2012

RTW/The Fall of Rome: The Battle of Badon Hill c.516 AD (((With Edited Full Units))) 1/2

RTW/The Fall of Rome: The Battle of Badon Hill c.516 AD (((With Edited Full Units))) 1/2

Since this battle is at night those torches make it really confusing even i couldn't distinguish mine from theirs at some points lol. But making Edits made it look better even tho my allies on the hill top were squeezed into eachother, in this mod, this historical battle looks much better than with Vanilla RTW/BI units. All those onagers were blasting the Saxons on the river bank & they on the other hand were roasting my tightly grouped allies with hails of burning arrows so i had to move quickly & sent all my cavalry & infantry to cross the river, rout the Saxons on the opposite bank & ride fast to save my allies who were almost wiped out except for a few infantry & only 2 of the general's unit were left alive, the general being 1 of these 2 lol. Artorius in his splendid gemmed ridge spangenhelm charged like hell across the river where at that ponit the battle was becoming confusing but the remaining Saxons on the opposite bank couldn't resist all that pressure towards them! & routed. However, they managed to slay many of my cavalry with those spears & axes. When i reached the allies Artorius charged at them on the hill top & smashed them making most of them rout immediatly except for their second bodyguard unit which again i sent Artorius to deal with it. Once the second Saxon general got killed i regrouped all my infantry & charged the fleeing Saxons into the woods with all my remaining cavalry & contrary to my expectations the battle resulted in HEROIC VICTORY. Its not ...