Sunday, April 8, 2012

Whispered Thoughts; 10

Whispered Thoughts; 10

It took a few hours but they finally began to feel exhausted. "Nick!" Selena cried, digging her nails into his hips as they both came for what felt like the hundredth time in the short span of time. "Mm, baby.." she moaned softly into his ear as Nick lay his head on her chest, keeping their bodies connected. "Mm, that was nice." Nick murmured gruffly and kissed her chest gently. "Do you wanna order take out?" he whispered. "And just relax a bit?" he whispered but Selena shook her head. "I have to go... Abby wants help with the uh.. t-the wedding." Selena stammered, getting up and pulling on her clothes. She hopped over to Nick as she pulled on her boots and kissed his cheek. "You were amazing. I'll just run to the pharmacy real quick. I'll text you once I'm far enough away so we don't get caught." Selena whispered. "Text me if you need me." She added before running out. She ran to a different pharmacy and texted Nick that he could leave the motel room before buying the Pill ! again as well as the regular contraceptive pill so that she wouldn't need to continue to worry about a risk of pregnancy. As soon as she turned eighteen, she could save up and have that implant done in her arm without parental consent which would be safer but she had to be careful for now. Nick smirked to himself and went to the shower in the motel room before getting dressed and heading to Abby's place so he could help her with the wedding plans, and give Selena a shock when she saw him there. He ...